4 Amazing Ways To Stop Feeling Discouraged And Depressed

by Motivation2 comments

Feeling discouraged or depressed is a fact of life. Whether you are rich or poor, you will experience hardships.

That explains why a famous person with millions of fans and a truckload of money would commit suicide.

You see, hopelessness can sap your energy. It can make you feel like life isn’t worth living. It can kill your motivation to the point you don’t want to do anything.

Maybe you are going through some difficult change in the workplace or your personal life. Maybe someone disappointed you. And you want to give up on yourself.

Perhaps you did everything to make things better. You poured your heart out. But the situation continues to get worse.

Look, I don’t know the source of your downheartedness. But, what I know for sure is that if you hang in there, the tide will turn in your favor. I promise that things will eventually get better.

I have no doubt that you went through some difficult changes in your life. You didn’t think you were going to get through it. Right? But, guess what? You did.

5  Ways You Can Stop Feeling Discouraged

1. Model The Caterpillar’s Way Of Dealing With Discouragement

Don’t rush the process. There’s no success without a process.

Whether you are dealing with a relationship, workplace, or business problem, you should understand you are in a process. A little patience goes a long way. You should hang in there!

The process is your teacher. It’s revealing to you what you are made of. It’s your test. As the saying goes, there’s no testimony without a test.

You need to embrace the process and be a patient student.

Have you ever seen a caterpillar cocooning? Can you guess what would happen if slice the silky pouch to help the caterpillar become a butterfly faster?

The answer is simple. You will kill it.

The caterpillar knows to keep pressing on and stay in the process. It knows if it gives up, it is doomed.

Sometimes, you don’t see the results fast enough because you are not ready. You don’t get what you want because it’s not the right thing or time for you.

As the saying goes, “Patience is a virtue.” I believe a lack of patience is a lack of gratitude as well.

The key is to focus on your progress versus your lacks. As long as you are making some type of progress, you should not feel discouraged.

When I first came to the United States, I was a broke immigrant. Nobody wanted to give me a job because I didn’t speak any English.

My disappointment level was at an all-time high. Imagine if I had given up and decided to go back to Haiti. What would life be like today for me?

Maybe you are having financial or relationship difficulties. Maybe you are getting impatient because you are not seeing the results fast enough. You probably feel stuck.

I just want you to understand no condition is permanent. Things will change. One day you will look back and feel very happy you are hanging in there.

But, you must not quit. As you might already know, quitters don’t win. Be patient. Have a reverence for the process.

2. Take Ownership Of The Situation

The moment you feel like the situation is totally out of your control, you have no power to change it.

The moment you feel like the situation is totally out of your control, you have no power to change it.

Whatever you cannot control in your life, controls you. It’s either you take ownership or let it ruin your life.

If you are saying to yourself, “Rene, you are right. I feel like I have no control over this situation I’m dealing with. What do you suggest?”

Well, you can simply choose to change the way you are reacting or responding.

If you have no control over the situation, don’t focus your energy on it.

The reality is, there’s always something you can do to make things better. Quit saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Instead, ask yourself, “What can I do to change this situation?”

The kind of questions you are consistently asking yourself will determine how you feel about the challenge. Don’t ask, “Why am I struggling so much?” Change the question to, “How can I change my situation?”

Disempowering questions will easily sink you deeper into depression and discouragement. They can cause you to think worse will happen.

Ask yourself questions that give you power over the situation when you are feeling discouraged. You are in control, and you are not a victim.

I’m not saying it’s your fault. I’m just trying to get you to see you cannot change how people behave or the external circumstances. It’s a waste of time and energy.

Choose to change what’s within your control. By that, I mean how you feel or what you are saying to yourself.

If there’s something you can do that’s within your control, do it instead of losing sleep over what’s outside your control.

3. Don’t Be Too Attached to The Outcome

There’s no guarantee that things will turn out according to your expectations. Be prepared to accept any outcome instead of feeling discouraged.

Most people are devastated when they have the outcome they had in mind. They think all their expectations should be met.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t expect the best. I’m saying to accept what you end up with and move on. It makes no sense to continue feeling discouraged long after the event.

Put it behind you. Set some new expectations and be ready to embrace whatever happens.

One of my coaching clients started creating videos for YouTube. Once he realized he wasn’t getting enough views, he gave up. Let me tell you why.

It’s because he doesn’t understand what it means to be passionate about his craft. When painters, singers, or performers are creating, they never worry about the crowd.

The outcome of their hard work may be a standing ovation. It may also be criticism. No matter what the end result it, they are fine with it.

Passionate people do things because of the internal satisfaction they. They understand perfection comes from imperfections.

Masters often lose themselves in the act of creation. They are more concerned about creating a masterpiece than applause. Their two main habits are patience and hard work.

Masters often lose themselves in the act of creation. They are more concerned about creating a masterpiece than applause. Their two main habits are patience and hard work.

4. Change Your Physiology

When people are feeling discouraged or depressed, their first tendency is to stay home, curl under a cover and have a pity party.

They don’t want to have contact with people. They shut off. Meeting new friends is the least important thing on their priority list. Self-pity is their preferred mode.

Sadly, isolating yourself from the world generates more discouragement and depression. Notice how your body responds to your thoughts.

The physiology of a happy, excited, and fulfilled person is totally different from that of a discouraged person.

Fortunately, we can instantly change our physiology by changing our thoughts or our movements. Do not stay in one place.

Do not avoid people. Be on the move. Have you ever noticed how busy people have no time to keep feeling discouraged?

Motion creates emotion.

If you want to change your current feeling, you must move your body. Do something physical.

Go to the park for a walk or to the gym to work out. Go to a networking event. Although the Coronavirus is now changing how we interact with each other. But, I believe we will get back to normal living soon.

5. Listen to Uplifting Music to Stop Feeling Discouraged

Music is an awesome therapy.

For thousands of years, it has been impacting our lives. You can literally create a shift in someone’s mood or attitude in an instant by playing inspiring music for them.

At first, the person may show no interest. But the music will trigger the right part of the brain on its own. The brain will do the work as soon as it hears the music.

If you want to boost your energy level or get over your discouragement, put on your favorite songs. Just put the music on even if you don’t feel up to it. Then notice how it begins to respond. It works like magic.

There are many irrefutable scientific types of research about the benefits of music and exercising. They increase your focus, change your moods, boost your productivity, and keep you healthy.

If you can hit the gym and listen to mood altering songs when you are feeling discouraged, you would be all set.


If you believe in God or you know Jesus is your guide, why not lean on that? Work on your faith. Read your Bible more often.

You never know, one good story from a good old book might do the trick for you.

What I’m essentially saying is this: You must learn all the techniques and strategies that can put you in a positive mindset.

Once you find the right information that works for you, stick to it. Apply it over and over until you feel better.

By the way, I’m curious. What is it that is making you feel discouraged or depressed. Share it below. I might have some specific advice for you.

Finally, feeling discouraged is not a permanent situation unless you choose to make it so.


  1. Shirley Kovar

    I have a lot of responsibilities. I do set boundaries, but there are things that I need to do because they need to be done and others don’t know how. I am not getting a lot of cooperation in doing them. I would so much prefer to do the things I am passionate about. I do carve out some time, but it is very limited. I make so little progress every day on things I have to do rather than things I want to do. I’m just tired.

    • Rene Godefroy

      Hi Shirley,

      I understand. I appreciate your authencity. Vulnerability is power! Do you have a coach? It’s lack of clarity and focus that’s the issue. Feel free to take this masterclass. It’s designed to help you get unstuck. https://neverstruggleagain.com/


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